ENG Outcome #3

Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of literature in English

  • Demonstrate familiarity with specified content areas in literature, literary history, theory, and criticism
  • Understand literature as a culturally and historically embedded practice 
  • Relate literature to other fields of inquiry

The transltion of the above outcome would be the ability to identify and converse about content in specific literature and practices. Additonally, understand that literature can be/is interdisciplinary work rooted in cultural and historical significance. One of my assignments that furfills the LO is a written response activity from Literary Theory & Criticism.

The purpose of the assignment I chose was to engage different literary theories learned in class with related text or, in this case, video as well. It took both sources and considered their historical or cultural impact on society through a feminist lens. My analysis demonstrates how I was able to view the required sources not only for their literal content but also for larger implications and connection-building. It also is able to speak to my understanding and implementation of content attached to theory in a cohesive manner.