This was a really interesting story to me as it took such a small moment and exploded it into extreme detail. It felt like the whole thing could’ve easily been a 5 minute scene if it were a film. Not only did this make it easy to follow but it forced the reader to be dropped into the middle of a scene. In only the first paragraph alone, imminent danger can be felt based on the descriptions of the narrator and the situation. It didn’t take a moment to set the stage rather than force the reader to be apart of it. Another element of the story that stuck out to me was how the narrator was a “bad but human” character. Yes, he sounds like an asshole, but he was still written to be a human being. This image was evident in the descriptors of his anxiety and the desire to preserve his relationship with his daughter. Although it doesn’t redeem his behavior, he even admits his faults. The author’s choice in painting him as human made his character feel real and believable. It also added a layer of complexity to the situation that allowed for a lo