Chapter 1: The first thing I found interesting about this chapter was the section on fundraising plans, partnerships, and events. It states how one should look at the various fundraising strategies in mind and aim to incorporate multiple into the overall plan. Having a diversified fundraising plan increases the amount of networking opportunities with other groups while also (likely) gaining more funds. On an even bigger scale, diversifying one’s plans contributes to the overall function of the nonprofit. Allowing for new and more diverse supporters, increase awareness of the organization toward funders and public works, and building shared ownership with supports or other group. Reading this made me thinking about the phrase “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” If you do (in the case of grant writing) it likely lead to decreased support and engagement. I say this because if an individual exclusively works with the same three funders or partners, it doesn’t display a want to diversify or increase support.
Another aspect of the chapter that stuck out to me was the categories of support, specifically the program one. It caught my eye because it was something I could relate to hearing at my current internship. One of the main efforts at The Telling Room is hosting in school and after school programs centered around writing. As a nonprofit, these programs need to be supported by members of the community, donors, and fundraisers in order to be possibly. This past week, I was able to sit in on conversations about program planning specifically related to how they decide on what programs run versus face discontinuation. It was fascinating to see the background of why organizations choose to work with different groups based on either grant funding that group has received or if it considered a pro-bono program. I agree with the chapter in stating that programs sometime receive restricted income because of witnessing tough decisions being made that may have been based on grant funding. I’m curious to learn more about the aspects of program funding and how to maintain a good financial balance while also serving the promised communities in one’s nonprofit mission.
Geever’s Article: The first part of this chapter that sparked by interest was within the research section, specifically the compilation portion. I thought the way Laura Gilbertson suggested research and compilation as “casting a wide net” was helpful in imaging what research will be like. I say this because I find that guidelines, whatever they are for, always read or feel more concrete than they actually are. They typically are to the point in terms of what foundations or corporations interests are. In the realm of job applications, even more so. Therefore, when it comes to looking for possible funders, it can be difficult to compile a list confidently. This section of the chapter opened to my eyes to see that it doesn’t have to be so difficult or to the point. That being more inclusive rather than exclusive can be beneficial in finding a group that aligns. I also found it helpful that the chapter mentioned awareness as the other key component to compilation. Thinking of compilation as an equation, you could say the two factors are awareness and inclusivity. Of course, this becomes more narrow with time.
The second portion of this chapter that stuck out to me fell under the guidelines section. It expresses how guidelines are essential factor when considering whether or not a foundation or corporation aligns with what the grant-seeker is looking for. Reading that set alarm bells off in my head about the equal importance of intentionality. One can take a foundations guidelines almost as an outline or wish-list of what is expected or sought after when choosing who to fund. So, when it comes to writing the proposal, there is the intention behind the words of aligning with said group. Another factor that makes my analogy tricky is what I mentioned earlier. Guidelines are not always the hard definition of what a group os looking for. They can sometimes bend and change with time. This then also puts emphasis on what the chapter later describes under the research section.