Journal #12

My plan moving forward with the artist book consists of two main things. First, I need to get hold of some photographs of me as a child with family/friends/etc. My sister is coming to see me this weekend so I plan to have her bring such photos. After I have the albums I want to sift through what pictures best serve the book and its poems. These will then need to be copied so I can cut up/draw on/paste them without destroying original takes. My other decision I need to make is whether the photos only go on the cover, only go in the book, or both. I think what will decide this is how many photos I have to work with.

Secondly, mentioned in the last journal, is my use of font. I found it be very thought provoking that size of font could be incorporated into the book. I think it could play an interesting role in how I want my poems to be read. Certain words could be in alternative size or font to the rest of the poem for emphasis or add to the overarching them. The fonts I’m looking into specifically is mostly from newspapers or magazines. This is because I like typewriter-style font, but cannot feed the construction paper through an actual typewriter. Instead, cutting up newspapers can provide me with letters or words to be pieced together. How they are arranged will be decided based on elements of each poem.