Feature Story

Mya Hankes  Introduction to Journalism Professor Miller  February 11, 2022 Sound the Alarm in Sokokis  This semester alone, there have been four occasions where the Sokokis Residence hall fire alarms have been triggered. Students have been disrupted both while sleeping and studying by these incidents […]

Blog Proj Week #5

First article: https://vtcynic.com/news/uvm-works-towards-updated-curriculum/ This was about curricular changes being made across UVMs campus. From an outsiders view, it seems to me that they are completely restructuring the way academics are taught. It was first presented with the issue that UVMs required courses did not meet […]

Blog Proj Week 4

First Article: https://vtcynic.com/news/roofies-reported-investigation-underway/ The first article I read was about a recent issue off campus regarding drugging drinks. This is a very serious news story for the Cynic and includes interviews from the UVM police departments and medical staff. The story is still updating, asking […]