I thought todays class was semi-beneficial for me today. The amount of feedback I got I felt was minimal, but helpful. I know that my piece was unfinished so the most comments I got were based on the angle of my story and how to sharpen it. This was beneficial to me because of the amount of information that was included in my paper. It was hard for me to separate what to include and what not to include within my story because I wanted to be able to paint a full picture of McReynolds. Going forward, I decided to sharpen my angle towards how his experience with research influences the way he teaches. I came to this conclusion based on the information I already have and the suggestions I got from the room. Smaller things within my paper to focus on is the chunkiness of the quotations I included. There were suggestions to refine or break up the quotes a little more with informal paragraphs in between. Overall, I feel confident in my paper and with a little reshaping it will be even better.