There are multiple things to be touched upon in this chapter that are important. I myself conduct many interviews for the Bolt and know what it like to have a bad interview. Through time and experience I have been able to develop my own method of interviewing, but also took some tips away from this chapter.
First, I think it is important to highlight observation. It is the most crucial component of a story, to set the stage for a reader so they can understand. This means that the small daily occurrences and happening matter when it comes to the news. They are what sets apart a summary of a story to a captivating breaking news article. Every detail attributes to a deeper meaning or angle.
I like how it suggests filming interviews, but I feel in our student setting it is not applicable. Many students and faculty I don’t believe would want to be on camera. Although, audio recording interviews is extremely important for the purpose of credibility and narrative. You also do not want to paint an interviewee in a bad light. I have audio recorded many of my interview with higher administration because what I submit to our paper reflects not only them, but the university as whole.
To further the point of how we paint our interviewees, it mentions the importance of using sensitivity and care when both interviewing and writing about your subject. There is never an intention to upset an interviewee or be misleading in the regard you plan to write them in. Therefore, there is a certain standard of how you should present subjects and approach them. This can speak to the ideas surrounding the use of camera recording versus audio recording during interviews.