Journal #8

I thought my feedback was both very constructive and beneficial. My story was a skeleton and the suggestions I took away later allowed me to really flesh out my story. I have come to really enjoy peer review from a place where I used to truly hate it. I believe this was likely due to a lack of engagement on peer review from my previous classes. Going forward, I plan to take many of the quote suggestions that my peers gave me for direction. I also plan to clean up any areas of a possible author bias.

Going first I believe did have an impact on the review I got. People were a bit nervous about toeing the line of respect and being rude about a story. I think this then caused hesitancy to give feedback. Since other groups have gone, I have seen this kind of fade and many people have gained confidence with their feedback. Our classroom dynamic has a lot to do with the results of feedback in my opinion. I feel we have a good classroom dynamic and therefore I have received good feedback from my peers due to so.

The people in our class are generally engaged and it truly makes the difference when it comes to feedback. The engagement of students then curates the classroom dynamic I am referring to. If each one of us can gain the confidence through building off of one another’s ideas, we are succeeding as a class.