Journal #30

Overall, I didn’t have many issues with this project. My group had a good energy that made us mesh well together in terms of collaborating on ideas and overall getting the work done. I think one thing specifically that has gone well for us throughout the projects is the energy and determination. I don’t think there’s an element of our project that had inconsistent effort or attention given to it. We all wanted to do well and therefore put in the work to do it. One thing, if anything, that was a challenge was my physical absence. Not being able to be with my group in person affected the flow of communicating with each other. I would be delayed getting back to messages and it slowed things down a little towards the end. I don’t believe though it truly effected our final result. Advice I would give to someone doing this next year is to take the week by week format as an advantage to not fall behind. There’s so many small steps in this process that can be forgotten easily.