Journal #11

I found this article extremely interesting to me. This was because the idea of the internets affect on our cognitive processing is something that has crossed my mind. I’ve notice some of the trends that they mentioned in my own daily life. The biggest red flag I have noticed is my inability to sit down and watch a show or movie all the way through. This stems from my habit of scrolling throw tik tok for hours, a platform that consists of mostly 15 second videos. My brain has gotten so used to the instant reaction, instant full story, and instant laugh that is provided by such a platform. The idea of sitting down and watching a whole movie that can span from 2-3 hours is no longer realistic for my brain processing. At the same time, I want to move away from the effect that the internet has had on my processing. I have such a passion for reading and writing that I could not imagine being psychologically impaired that disallows me from enjoying it. The malleability of the brain even in adulthood was another element of this article I found interesting. It poses some questions I want to open for discussion:

Are we able to save ourselves from the change of cognitive processing from the internet?

Can we survive without the reliability on the internet, how do we keep our brains “safe” from this change?

Is traditional media dying? Will there be a day where the newspaper or magazine will die out?